LA VILLA DIANE, offers you…

An invitation to discover the essential sites of our region

Montauban, a town with captivating charm, located in the South-West of France, bathed by the peaceful waters of the Tarn. Its cobbled streets tell centuries of history, where medieval architecture rubs shoulders with the elegant facades of private mansions. The majestic Notre-Dame Cathedral, with its distinctive octagonal shape, proudly dominates the city, testifying to its religious past.

Strolling along the quays of the Tarn offers a tranquil perspective of the stone bridges that span the river, while the banks invite relaxation and contemplation. Montauban, between tradition and modernity, reveals its cultural treasures through its museums, its lively festivals and its generous gastronomy where regional specialties delight visitors' taste buds. A city of art and history, Montauban seduces with its warm atmosphere and preserved authenticity, offering everyone an enchanted break in the heart of the south-west of France.

Located in the center of Occitanie, the Montalban region is blessed with an exceptional natural heritage. Let yourself be charmed by this green nature, still preserved today, by the sumptuous breathtaking landscapes of our region. Ideal for outdoor leisure activities, forests, multiple bodies of water, bucolic walks, cycling or horseback riding, canyoning, golf and much more.

So that you can plan and organize your stay, we have selected for you the must-see sites in the region, less than 60 km from our guest house, and accessible in less than an hour by car.




Moissac Abbey

Magnificent Benedictine abbey located in the southwest of France, near Toulouse. It is famous for its remarkable Romanesque architecture, including its sculpted portal, ornate capitals and cloister. Founded in the 7th century, the abbey was an important religious and cultural center in the Middle Ages, playing a major role in the spread of Romanesque art in Europe. It also houses the famous tympanum of the Last Judgment, one of the major works of Romanesque art.

Abbaye de Moissac

Saint Antonin Noble Val 

Charming medieval town nestled in the Aveyron gorges, in the south-west of France. Famous for its narrow streets and half-timbered houses, Saint-Antonin has a rich historical heritage. Visitors can stroll through its cobbled streets, discover its old houses and admire its monuments, such as the 13th century belfry. The town is also popular with outdoor enthusiasts for its activities such as canoeing in the Aveyron gorges or hiking in the picturesque surroundings.


Saint Antonin Noble Val


Halte privilégiée sur les chemins de St Jacques de Compostelle. Lauzerte est une bastide médiévale classée parmi les « Plus Beaux Villages de France », surnommée la "Tolède quercynoise"

Lauzerte a également terminé 4e village préféré en 2019 dans le cadre de l'émission de Stéphane Bern.

A l’origine, Lauzerte était un oppidum gaulois. Son nom actuel date des environs de l’an Mil et est tiré du latin « lucerna », lampe. Il désigne une position idéale, visible de loin comme une lumière.

A la fin du XIIe siècle, le comte de Toulouse reçut la colline en don afin d’y bâtir un « castelnau », une cité protégée par un château.

« La ville haute, exemplaire de l'architecture médiévale, organise ses maisons autour de l'église Saint- Barthélemy et de la place des Cornières, l'une des plus belles de la région. Les remparts évoquent le rôle joué par Lauzerte, tiraillé entre les Anglais et les Français lors de la guerre de Cent Ans. Les demeures anciennes, de style gothique ou d'époque Renaissance, rappellent que la cité fut aussi un paradis pour riches magistrats et marchands prospères.»

A Lauzerte, il faut donc voir la place des Cornières, de dimensions modestes mais véritable lieu de vie et bordée d’arcades en plein cintre, en anse de paniers et de maisons du XVe au XVIIIe siècles. L’église Saint-Barthélemy qui abrite notamment des stalles, tableaux, retable baroque, lambris peints attribués à Joseph Ingres, orgue de chœur intéressants…Il faut également voir l’esplanade qui remplace la Barbacane, ouvrage défensif qui protégeait la Porte d’Auriac, le Jardin du Pèlerin qui se présente comme un jeu de l’oie qui retrace l’histoire et le parcours initiatique du pèlerinage de Saint Jacques de Compostelle et dont l’entrée est libre toute l’année.

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